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Title - HTML Tutorial with Example

Title       TITLE Element starts with the <title> opening tag and end with </title> tag in an HTML document . The TITLE element is placed inside the HEAD element (that which starts with the <head> opening tag and ends with the </head> tag ). The TITLE element contains your document title and identifies its content. The title is displayed in browsers titles, window titles, menus, etc where there is only limited room therefore it should not be too much long characters in length.

Text Formatting - HTML Tutorial with Example

Text Formatting - HTML Tutorial with Example <b> tag is used for bold text <i> tag is used for italic text <sub> tag is used for subscripted text <sup> tag is used for superscripted text <big> tag is used for big text <small> tag is used for small text <strong> tag is used for strong text <em> tag is used for emphasized text

Table - HTML Tutorial with Example

Table - HTML Tutorial with Example      In an HTML document , the table   starts with <table> tag and ends with </table> tag . The <tr> tag set marks the beginning and end of a row . The <td> tag set marks each cell within the row.

Span - HTML Tutorial with Example

Span - HTML Tutorial with Example      The HTML <span> Element is an inline element . The HTML <span> element can be used as a container for text in an HTML document, <span> tag is supported in all major browsers .

Script - HTML Tutorial with Example

Script - HTML Tutorial with Example      The HTML SCRIPT Element places a script within in the HEAD element (that which starting with <head> tag and ending with </head> tag ) or BODY element (that which starting with <body> tag and ending with </body> tag ) in an HTML document. Using SCRIPT Element , you can create dynamic web pages; SCRIPT Element is supported in all major browsers . It is used to define a client-side script , such as a JavaScript or VBScript . SCRIPT element makes the page more interactive .

Paragraph - HTML Tutorial with Example

Paragraph - HTML Tutorial with Example      In an HTML document paragraphs   are defined with the <p> tag ,  starts with the <p> opening tag and end with </p> tag .Browsers automatically adds an extra blank line before and after a paragraph.The <p> tag is supported in all major browsers .

Meta - HTML Tutorial with Example

Meta - HTML Tutorial with Example     META element is placed inside the HEAD element (that which starts with the <head> opening tag and ends with the </head> tag ). Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document and other metadata . The <meta> tag provides information about your HTML document . Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but it is used by browsers , search engines, or other web services . Usually Metadata gives information to browsers like how to display content of the HTML document, name and other information about the author , last modified information of the page, when the page will reload and etc.